Seize the Opportunity to Hear from Nationally Recognized Thought Leaders
7:30 a.m.
Registration Opens
Continental Breakfast
7:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Vendor Fair Open
8:30 a.m.
Welcome and Introduction
Travis Heider, President & CEO, RRHA Family of Companies
8:45 - 10:15 a.m.
Keynote Address:
Why Hospitals Should Fly
John Nance, J.D., Author and ABC News Analyst
The United States pays 1.8 times the amount that other sophisticated western democracies spend for a level of healthcare and prevention that hovers around the 50th percentile in quality and effectiveness. To make the right changes, however—especially in patient safety—we have to look to other formerly high-risk industries for help in finding the methods and practices (such as checklists and time-outs) that have made those very human enterprises high reliability. The airline industry is perhaps the best example. Although there is resistance to borrowing lessons from a mechanistic business, the reality is that the American healthcare system needs to achieve predictable and successful performance, and the airline industry has important lessons to offer this endeavor.
By the end of this session, participants will be able to describe characteristics of a high-reliability organization, understand why the healthcare community needs to achieve high reliability, and recognize when we deviate from adaptive leadership principles and how this affects us as individuals and the larger healthcare team.
10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Breakout Sessions (pick one)
- Q&A, with keynote speaker John Nance, J.D.
Follow-up session: During this question-and-answer session, you will have the opportunity to discuss principles from Why Hospitals Should Fly in greater depth, and field your own questions to spark dialogue with John Nance and session attendees. - Leveraging Post-acute Partner Relationships to Reduce Potentially Preventable Readmissions and High Utilization
Diane Nanno, M.S., C.N.S., R.N. & Kelly Mussi, M.S.N., R.N.
SUNY Upstate University Health System developed a portfolio of strategies to address the reduction of potentially preventable readmissions and high utilization of emergency department and acute hospital services. Using a “whole person” approach, these evidence-based programs and initiatives were developed and implemented in collaboration with post-acute partners, resulting in significant improvement in outcomes and patient experience. These programs have led to best-practice outcome improvement and a significant enhancement of relationships and collaboration across the continuum.
- The Opioid Crisis in NYS: Trends and Community Strategies
Jennifer Faringer, MS.Ed., C.P.Pg.The opioid epidemic has deeply impacted individuals and families in Rochester and Monroe County as well as communities across the nation, crossing all demographic delineations. Jennifer Faringer will share national, state, and local data illustrating opioid-related trends and the connection between prescription pain medications, heroin, and the impact of potent synthetics. She will then discuss the various resources and comprehensive community approaches that exist or are being put into place to respond to the opioid epidemic across multiple sectors.
11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
The State of U.S. Healthcare Policy
William Streck, M.D., Chief Medical and Health Systems Innovation Officer, Healthcare Association of New York State (HANYS)
Dr. Streck will discuss the current state of American healthcare policy, the major changes occurring in Washington, efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and the political and economic forces that are shaping the future of healthcare policy.
12:45 - 1:45 p.m.
Breakout Sessions (pick one)
- No Specialty Left Untouched—Responding to the Opioid Epidemic Across a Hospital System
Timothy Wiegand, M.D., D.A.B.A.M., F.A.C.M.T., F.A.A.C.T.The opioid epidemic has touched the Rochester community as it has impacted countless other regions across the United States. Dr. Timothy Wiegand will deliver his perspective on the crisis, while illustrating the need to navigate the system of healthcare providers and specialists who are all important keys to the solution to one of the most devastating healthcare tragedies to touch all of our lives.
- Innovating Predictive Analytics—Strengthening Data and Transfer Information at Point of Care to Improve Care Coordination
Anu Banerjee, M.S., M.H.M.Care coordination is essential to improving patient satisfaction and healthcare outcomes and is at the core of a strategic initiative that Arnot Health implemented to reduce readmissions and frequent emergency department visits at its three hospitals and 52 outpatient clinics. This presentation will highlight the importance of transforming data at the point of care to implement the right strategies to provide efficient care to patients across the continuum. Anu Banerjee will share the data-driven predictive analytics model that ensures the focus is on the right population with the highest-risk scores, using outpatient and inpatient case management to assess clinical priorities.
- Challenging Personalities: Multi-disciplinary Strategies to Care for Hospitalized Patients with Difficult Behaviors
Walter A. Polashenski, Jr., M.D.Patients with challenging personalities make up a very small minority of all hospitalized patients, but consume a disproportionately large amount of resources, including hospital staff time and emotional energy. This talk will outline a strategy designed at Rochester General Hospital to identify patients with behavior patterns that negatively impact their care and help staff maintain a more positive and consistent style of interaction. In the first two years of the program the institution has been able to show a significant reduction in inappropriate hospital utilization while maintaining the same high quality care.
2 - 3:30 p.m.
Panel Sessions
Transition of Care Panel:
One of the most crucial aspects of healthcare today is assuring safe and effective care transitions. Care transitions—the transition of a patient from one care environment to another or from one caregiver to another—pose some of the most significant challenges in healthcare and patient safety both locally and nationally.
This panel discussion will center on opportunities for improvement and solutions for creating safe transitions for patients navigating various aspects of the healthcare system. Our panelists will address care transition from all spectrums of the continuum of care, including the role and integration of community-based organizations (CBOs) with healthcare.
- Betty Rabinowitz, M.D., F.A.C.P., EagleDream Health
- Suzanne Gillespie, M.D., R.D., C.M.D. F.A.C.P., University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry
- Annie Wells, Lifespan of Greater Rochester
- Elizabeth Zicari, R.N., B.S.N., C.E.N.P., HCR Home Care
- Jeanne Chirico, M.P.A., Lifetime Care
- Trilby de Jung, J.D., Common Ground Health
Opioid Epidemic Panel:
Drug overdose is now the leading cause of accidental death in the United States. Between 2007 and 2015, the amount of available drugs based on oxycodone grew by 24% in Rochester, 46% in Buffalo, and almost 50% in New York’s Southern Tier, compared to 26% nationally.1
Our panelists will address how this crisis threatens the health of our region and the way this epidemic touches patient and provider communities. The discussion will highlight the strong collaboration across stakeholders in our region, resources available for help, and more.
- Rich Funke, New York State Senator, District 55
- Adrian Leibovici, M.D., Rochester Regional Health System
- Mark Winsberg, M.D., B.C.F.M., D.A.B.A.M., Parkridge Chemical Dependency Programs
- Mandy Teeter, M.B.A., M.S.W., Monroe County Mental Health Clinics
- Colin Scantlin, M.P.A., B.S.N., R.N., Rochester Regional Health
- Patrick Seche, M.S., C.A.S.A.C., Strong Memorial Hospital
1Source: D&C 12/16/16