Pandion Supply Committee Meeting Highlights

Pandion’s Supply Committee held their 1st quarterly meeting at our Corporate offices on February 28, 2018.  More than 30 members attended the event which included a networking lunch and presentations from our regional and national vendors. Main topics of discussion Included:

Current IV Shortage Updates

In the wake of Hurricane Maria, which shut down several Puerto Rico factories that produce IV fluids, hospitals continue to look for alternative solutions to keep patients hydrated. The American Society of Health System Pharmacists (ASHP) offers strategies and resources for hospitals and health systems to better manage their fluids during the shortage. Members can also access Premier’s latest updates through its IV Therapy Community and search for alternative pharmaceutical products and supplies.

Pandion’s Supply Committee held their 1st quarterly meeting at our Corporate offices on February 28, 2018.

New Partnerships

Pandion has formed a new partnership with Medela to provide our members with best in class negative pressure wound care therapy for patients across the continuum of care. This partnership will also provide our members with clinical training for implementation and ongoing support with licensed CWOCNs. Medela’s negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) equipment is extremely easy to use, assists in reducing wound care therapy at many facilities, and can provide 20-40% cost savings through strategic purchasing.


Earn Free CEU’s

Thanks to our new partnership with Medela, Pandion will present a free CEU program at our Rochester offices that will provide a review of negative pressure wound therapy presented by Carol Davis, RN, CWOCN. The training offers 1.5 CEUs and lunch. Registration is required.  If interested, please contact Jeanine DeFeo at


The next supply committee meeting of 2018 will take place May 9, 2018. Check back to our events calendar for more information.

And don’t forget that membership in Pandion Sourcing and Purchasing includes access to targeted committee meetings designed to discuss best practices, provide education through vendor presentations, review the status of current contracts, review bids and awards for new contracts, network, and more.  Sign Up today to become a member.

Jeanine DeFeo, CMRP, is the Director of Sourcing and Business Development for Pandion Optimization Alliance.